OSCARS WATCH 2025 – I’m Still Here: A Harrowing Retelling and Warning

OSCARS WATCH 2025 – I’m Still Here: A Harrowing Retelling and Warning

This piece is part of a series of critical responses to the films nominated for Best Picture at the 97th Academy Awards. Fouquet weaves connections between nominees I'm Still Here, A Complete Unknown, and The Apprentice as well as real-world political events in Brazil and the United States. She questions whether we are ready today to prevent the tragedy that befell the Paivas and the hundreds of families affected by disappeared Brazilians, as there is every sign of history repeating itself.

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NEPF Promotes a Bridge Between Fanfiction Academic Studies and Fandom in Brazil

NEPF Promotes a Bridge Between Fanfiction Academic Studies and Fandom in Brazil

In Brazil, NEPF is the only academic space dedicated to fanfic research, and, because of this, it has become extremely important for many graduate students and researchers around Brazil. So, readers of Pop Junctions, we're here to share all the work we’ve done at NEPF with you. From now on, you’ll be able to follow the various academic and artistic productions carried out and disseminated by the center through regular publications here. For all of us at the center, it's an honor to be here showing our work in such a prestigious and important space for Fan Studies.

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Immersive Ways of Live Storytelling Through Challenging Transmedia Universes: Rodrigo Terra Interviewed by Renata Frade and Bruno Valente Pimentel

Immersive Ways of Live Storytelling Through Challenging Transmedia Universes: Rodrigo Terra Interviewed by Renata Frade and Bruno Valente Pimentel

Scholar Renata Frade interviews transmedia and AR/VR creator, scholar, and entrepreneur Rodrigo Terra and mobile apps developer and VFX editor Bruno Valente Pimetel. They share insights on the history and future of transmedia and AR/VR work in Brazil as well as internationally, with examples like VR immersive narrative The Line and game universe Pixel Ripped.

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The Revolution is Female: How Luiza Trajano Has Been Transforming the World with Disruptive Technology, Civic Engagement and Community Logic — An Interview with Renata Frade

The Revolution is Female: How Luiza Trajano Has Been Transforming the World with Disruptive Technology, Civic Engagement and Community Logic — An Interview with Renata Frade

Renata Frade interviews entrepreneur and activist Luiza Trajano about her many projects with Magazine Luiza and Mulheres do Brasil and what inspires her work. As Luiza Trajano points out, "The digital is a culture. It is not software or an application; it is a way of life."

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