NEPF Promotes a Bridge Between Fanfiction Academic Studies and Fandom in Brazil

NEPF Promotes a Bridge Between Fanfiction Academic Studies and Fandom in Brazil

In Brazil, NEPF is the only academic space dedicated to fanfic research, and, because of this, it has become extremely important for many graduate students and researchers around Brazil. So, readers of Pop Junctions, we're here to share all the work we’ve done at NEPF with you. From now on, you’ll be able to follow the various academic and artistic productions carried out and disseminated by the center through regular publications here. For all of us at the center, it's an honor to be here showing our work in such a prestigious and important space for Fan Studies.

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Fandom, Participatory Culture and Web 2.0 — A Syllabus

Fandom, Participatory Culture and Web 2.0 — A Syllabus

As regular readers of this blog know, the syllabus for my PHD seminar on fandom studies has evolved a lot through the years. The changes I have made this round mostly center on integrating a transcultural fandom perspective across the whole, with a particular emphasis on East Asian fandoms. I have lots to learn here, but there's a broad range of expertise amongst the students enrolled in the class and so I look forward to creating a context in the classroom where we can all learn from each other -- one of many reasons I am leaning heavily on the dialogic writing process for the assignments.

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